Once on the Turren, the circular hike begins with a short descent and a somewhat longer ascent to the Dundelegg. In the spring, especially, you pass through a wonderful and colourful sea of flowers before the path leads steeply uphill to the first summit cross. The unusual Mändli cross with the Sarneraa valley in the background makes a great photo motif. From the Mändli, you continue past the Arnifirst and along the ridge up to the Höch Gumme. At the summit, the Wetterhorn group appears close enough to touch, while the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau are also clearly visible. Two hundred metres below, the path leads to the Bärghuis Schönbüel, where it is worth pausing for a bite to eat. After a well-deserved break on the terrace with phenomenal views, the descent to Breitenfeld awaits. Church services are held on a regular basis in the alp chapel in summer. Passing Finsterbüel, the path finally leads back to the Turren.