Anyone wishing to cast a fishing rod in Lake Lunger requires a license and a SaNa certificate (certificate of competence). The permit can be obtained online or from various sales outlets.
- Online patents
- Points of sale
Are you dreaming of fishing in a clear Swiss mountain lake or would you like to spend an unforgettable weekend in the heart of Switzerland with your fishing equipment? Then you've come to the right place when it comes to fishing in Switzerland.
Fishing in the canton of Obwalden is subject to the patent system. This means that patents can be obtained for a fee. The different types of fishing patents in Obwalden and the fees as well as the most important regulations are summarized in the information sheet on fishing. Special patents can be obtained locally for fishing in Lungerersee, Melchsee-Frutt and Seefeldsee.
Discover the wide range of opportunities in Obwalden. From the fishing paradise of Lungern and Melchsee-Frutt to Seefeldsee, Alpnachersee or Sarnersee: as a fisherman and angler, you will find the perfect spots here, perhaps even for the catch of your life.
The Seefeldsee is located on the Älggialp, the geographical center of Switzerland. If you would like to fish in this lake in the Sachsler Seefeld, drive to Älggialp and then take the 45-minute ascent.
In the canton of Obwalden, you can also fish in Lake Sarnen and Lake Alpnach. Free fishing is permitted there from April 1 to October 15 from the shore without a license. Free fishing is fishing from the shore with a hand-held fishing rod with or without a float. Only a simple barbless fishing hook with natural bait may be used, excluding live and dead fish. Vacation guests can also obtain so-called vacation permits from the tourist information officeat Sarnen railroad station.
Ice fishing is a very special winter experience for fishing enthusiasts and nature lovers.